Judge blocks Trump’s ban on federal funding for trans surgeries on minors in ruling

A U.S. District Judge has stepped in to block two controversial executive orders from President Donald Trump that aimed to ban federal funding for transgender surgeries and chemical treatments for minors who are experiencing gender dysphoria.

Judge Lauren King, appointed by President Biden and working in the Western District of Washington, issued a preliminary injunction against these orders last Friday.

In her decision, Judge King emphasized that these executive orders overstepped the boundaries set by Congress, infringing on its authority to decide how federal funds should be allocated and utilized.

She argued that the orders also violated the equal protection guarantees under the Fifth Amendment, which mandates that individuals cannot be treated differently based solely on their gender or transgender status without a compelling justification.

King highlighted that her ruling wasn’t focused on the specific policies put forth by Trump but was more about maintaining the constitutional principles that govern the separation of powers.

Washington’s Attorney General, Nick Brown, praised the ruling and was quick to point out what he sees as Trump’s blatant disregard for constitutional norms.

Brown stated, “But once again, states and the courts have stepped up to affirm the rule of law and the values that hold us together as a nation.”

In January, Trump introduced Executive Order 14168, labeled “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” which redefined “sex” in strictly biological terms.

This order instructed the Department of Health and Human Services to provide specific guidance based on these definitions in a timely manner.

A few weeks after that, he followed up with Executive Order 14187, titled “Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation,” which restricted federal funding for gender-affirming procedures for anyone under 19.

This order made bold statements about children regretting surgeries that, in the view of the Trump administration, led to long-term consequences such as infertility and other complex health issues.

In response to the orders, multiple states, led by Washington, filed a lawsuit, standing alongside some unnamed medical professionals who specialize in these care options.

Judge King had previously issued a temporary restraining order against the executive orders, while another federal judge in Maryland had also blocked them as part of a separate case initiated by families of transgender minors.

4 responses to “Judge blocks Trump’s ban on federal funding for trans surgeries on minors in ruling”

  1. Trish Avatar

    This leftist judge doesn’t have jurisdiction. He is removing federal money from mutilating children. He, as President can determine what the federal government pays out. This a constitutional decision. I am really tired of these two-bit activist judges thinking they can tell the president what he can and can’t do. It’s just another consequence of our legal and constitutional system.

    1. Mike Hebert Avatar
      Mike Hebert

      You’re absolutely right Trish – this in direct fulfillment of Isaiah 29:14,…I will ONCE AGAIN deal marvelously with the people, wonderously marvelous; And THE WISDO OF THEIR WISE MEN (AND WOMEN) SHALL PERISH, AND THE DISCERNMENT OF THEIR DISCERNING MEN (AND WOMEN) SHALL BE CONCEALED….vs.16, ‘Shall the potter be considered an equal with the clay, That what is made shoud say to its maker, “He did not make me”; Or what is formed say to him who formed it, “He had no. understanding”? POINT: who are we to tell God what He has made us to be – male/female? And seek to alter His creation. No President or judicial ‘leader’ should even have to ‘legislate’ this issue. That’s just how seriously INSANE this country has become.

  2. Russ Avatar

    WTF. No judge should tell Americans we have to fund the perverse deviancy of somebody’s personal desire to mutilate themselves.

  3. W. E. Johnson Avatar
    W. E. Johnson

    The leftist judge is just a Trump hater and apparently doesn’t know anything on Constitutional reality on what a President is allowed to do. Not surprised since it is coming from Judge in the far leftist state of Washington.

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