Supreme Court rules against Trump, allows $2 billion foreign aid payment to proceed

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The U.S. Supreme Court has decided not to grant the Trump administration’s request to halt $2 billion in foreign aid payments that have already been contracted and completed.

This decision emerged from a split ruling of 5-4, where the Court ordered U.S. District Judge Amir Ali to clarify the government’s obligations in light of Ali’s earlier restraining order.

In a dissent, Justice Samuel Alito expressed his surprise, stating he was “stunned” by the majority’s ruling, supported by Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh.

Alito raised a key question: “Does a single district-court judge who likely lacks jurisdiction have the unchecked power to compel the Government of the United States to pay out (and probably lose forever) 2 billion taxpayer dollars?” He clearly felt the answer should be a resounding “No.”

According to court reporter Amy Howe, Judge Ali is set to hold a hearing regarding the aid groups’ call for a preliminary injunction against the government’s freeze on foreign assistance, suggesting the issue might soon resurface in the Supreme Court.

The unsigned order from the Court came just days after Chief Justice John Roberts temporarily halted the enforcement of Ali’s earlier ruling that mandated payments by the night of February 26.

Notably, President Trump issued an executive order last month that aimed to restrict foreign aid disbursement to align strictly with his administration’s foreign policy directives.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio subsequently called for a broad freeze on various programs funded by both the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development.

This led to multiple aid organizations filing a lawsuit against the administration, claiming that the freeze was unconstitutional and violated federal law.

In response to these developments, the Trump administration appealed to the Supreme Court, arguing the order disrupted a traditionally orderly review process regarding those funds.

The government contended that Congress had established a complex legal framework to handle claims for payments related to contracts and funding instruments, asserting their commitment to paying legitimate claims backed by proper documentation.

Since assuming office, President Trump has consistently sought to cut foreign aid through USAID and the State Department, citing concerns over wasteful spending.

As stated in a recent appeals court filing, his administration aims to reduce funding by an overwhelming 92%, which critics argue could jeopardize crucial aid to struggling populations worldwide.

13 responses to “Supreme Court rules against Trump, allows $2 billion foreign aid payment to proceed”

  1. Russ Avatar

    Make these disgusting pieces of crap responsible to the American people and our country. No more lifetime appointments . Make them responsible to the people thru elections. The fair and equal separation of powers does not mean the radical judges can undo actions of the executive branch.

    1. David Martin Barron Avatar

      The way you remove these people that support the obvious graft and corruption is at elections and the voting booth. Let Americans choose which direction they want to go. Personally I want out of funding things like Nancy Pelois’s California Vinyard with $174M from USAID for organic gardening. Tell me how that helps anyone but her?

  2. Robert Haggerton Avatar

    Amy Coney Barrett is a turncoat to the constitution! She fears the wrath of the lunatic lefty radicals threaten her and so she folded like a wet tent! That, coupled with the 8 Republican RINOs in the senate and we have a recipe for disaster ! So much for America First! So much the Golden Age of America! So much for the American Dream! The evil, corrupt petulant children of the radical left demorats hate America and are ALL obstructionists to a healthy Republic! I only hope the “low information” Americans who have their heads up their asses most of the time will wake up and realize the direction of destruction! If they CAN’T identify the difference then they need a Big Timeout!

  3. K. Ellard Avatar
    K. Ellard

    If the Supreme Court Justices do not abide by our Constitution, which clearly gives the Executive Branch the authority to do do what our esteemed President did – our elected representatives should consider removing them from that sacred seat as a Justice. Don’t they realize that their unlawful, prideful actions are HURTING AMERICANS? (AS WELL AS POLLUTING OTHER NATIONS AND PEOPLES)? This is not a partisan issue. This is a common sense issue. It is right from wrong. Are these 5 justices deceived to believe that they have the power to vote unConstitutionally? GOD will not be mocked! The many activist judges need to be disciplined/removed from office for usurping power that is NOT THEIRS. Perhaps the other ‘activist’ judges will be deterred from judging unlawfully. President Trump deserves a judicial branch that is operating as ‘the responsible adult’ and not as the ‘partisan child.’ He nearly lost his life, has been through corrupt court cases, been treated so unjustly by the judicial system in America. We citizens make our voice heard today. We are not happy with the corruption in our judges and justices. We appeal to heaven! Just sayin’ – think of all the opposition that has come against Trump – and in the end, the opposition lost. Wise justices and judges will take heed and ‘right the ship.’

  4. Leonard Dinges Jr Avatar
    Leonard Dinges Jr

    They talk about having to pay because the money has been allocated? Ok, tell me this, during President Trumps first term the people voted and congress allocated money to build the border wall. Biden takes office and nothing. Than he tries to sell the border wall supplies, it goes to the supreme court, they tell Biden he can’t sell off the materials to build the wall and also told Biden to finish building the wall. That was about 6 to 9 months ago. What’s the difference here? Can anyone explain that? All I here is crickets.

  5. David Martin Barron Avatar

    The work, regardless of how relivant it was, had been done no matter how trivial it was. Pay the bills and then cut off any further USAID funds and end it right there. Stop all further USAID finding for anything, then shutter the doors, and end the organization.

    1. David E Ward Avatar
      David E Ward

      Pay the bill that should have never been approved. That’s a dumb ass way of doing it, they found fraud so let’s get rid of it…

  6. Mike Hebert Avatar
    Mike Hebert

    Can’t say I disagree with anyone above. DOGE is simply and EFFECTIVELY doing what Trump pledged to do – STOP WASTE, FRAUD, AND ABUSE. Whether USAID or whoever – is there any way to assure the American people that their tax dollars are specifically disbursed to those in need; and no one is just ‘lining’ their pockets? WHERE ARE THE SIGNED RECEIPTS? Those to whom the ‘aid’ was actually delivered to and those who actually signed for it?

  7. Sandra mason Avatar
    Sandra mason

    we are getting killed by the cost of everything .. please stop using our income to pay for sheer stupidity .

  8. Jennifer Kelly Avatar

    When is the United States going to stop taking care of every foreign countries in the world and start taking care of Americans. The left has been throwing out money away for years, without any repercussions. It’s about time it stops. Since when does the Supreme Court have the right to order the President of the United States what he is supposed to do with the taxpayers money? The people of the United States spoke in the November election when we elected Donald Trump as the President of the United States. We are tired of our money being wasted and it’s about time the left realized what the people want, not their pet projects anymore. Trump has been doing everything he said he would and that’s dispense of tax dollars being wasted. Hell would freeze over, before I throwed 2 billion dollars in foreign aid, no matter what the Supreme Court said. I know that the justices have been threatened, but if it scares them, then they should resign and not order our President to throw away our money in foreign countries who should learn to support themselves, instead of keep building our debt, which future generations will never pay back. In the last four years my cost of living has gone up 50%, so when is it going to stop? It will never end if we have to throw 2 billion away, on countries who hate Americans and always have their hands out for a free lunch. Stop this now like President Trump is trying to do.

  9. Dennis Brittle Avatar
    Dennis Brittle

    Why have a president when the courts can over ride his decision.seems like a lot of bullshit to me.

  10. Jim Avatar

    That was an ill-advised decision by SCOTUS. Trump TEMPORARILY stopped payments from USAID after identifying certain terrorist groups that were receiving our taxpayer money. Under U.S. law, it is ILLEGAL to fund terrorist organizations — especially with tax dollars. Trump ordered the suspension of disbursements until further examination to see if other USAID funds were being misspent. Unlike false claims by Democrats and the fade news, Trump was not pulling all funding from USAID — he was holding off until it’s recipients could be vetted. That is the wise thing to do. SCOTUS screwed up.

  11. KathiLou Avatar

    The Holy Bible states that Jesus Christ will come again when the world is at the highest level of evil and man cannot make a difference. I think we are getting VERY close to the level of evil. Biden didn’t follow the Supreme Court rulings on the Border or Student loans … etc. BUT, NOTHING happened to him and WE the Tax payers are the ones suffering. MONEY to terrorists and all the other wasteful tax dollars ….

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